Social Messaging Policy

Hello, friend.

As a freelancer who holds down other work & jobs while also juggling personal life & mental health ups & downs, I have sought to prioritise the latter areas so I can better manage in life. In the interest of full transparency please note:

• I handle emails at set times on my calendar. Your reply - unless sent during the time I happen to be handling emails - may take a little while to be replied to. I will reply asap.

• I am not great at replying to messages from social apps; there are too many apps & it’s all just a little too chaotic. Please email me with your enquiry using the address above.

• Operating this way doesn’t mean I don’t care about the messages or your enquiries. On the contrary, I know where I’m at in terms of mental space & bandwidth at this time & I’m working in a way that works best for me so that I can do my best across all areas of my life.

Please email me directly with your query, and thank you for your time & understanding.